Playwright’s Playground Short Play Festival

Fall Festival: October 4-5, 2024

Spring Festival: March 28-29, 2025

During the Playwright’s Playground, your team will create, write, rehearse, and perform an original piece of theatre inspired by the prompts revealed on Friday night. Performances will begin at 7 pm on the following Saturday.

register here

24-hours to write and perfom an original play! That sounds like a  challenge…Writing a musical in 24-hours…That sounds like a calling!  The festival pushed me to write a musical like show and memorize it as well, and we did it! Getting to do what you love with people you consider family is a win-win for me.

Tyler Bueno


Create your own team and join the DOTS community to create a original piece of theatre inspired by the prompts.

Registration fee is $45 per TEAM to help cover the cost of the use of the facility and a dedicated light and sound technician to support you and your team during your technical rehearsal and performance. 

The fee will be collected at the Kick off session on Friday. 

register your team here

The process

Teams will be given a prompt and items to use in the creation of the performance during the Kick Off meeting Friday night and time and space to create an original performance. Saturday, teams will return to the Judy for a staging and technical rehearsal in the Performance space.  Details regarding the technical and performance schedule will be available at the Friday night Kick Off! 

Playwright’s Playground teams are comprised team members age 14 and up. If a team is primarily composed of teenagers, an adult sponsor or chaperone is required to supervise the team. 

Register Your Team


Tell Your Story

All teams will present their performance for the public. 

Curtain for Playwright’s Playground: 7 pm in the Reynolds Auditorium. Tickets are $10 per person general admission. Purchase tickets in advance or at the door.

Order Tickets

advice for teams

Come with and open mind and no preconcieved notions of what your performance might be.

Be open to the possiblities that exisit from the prompt. 


bonus opportunities

Audience Favorites will be invited to perform as a part of the DOTS Fringe Festival in July 2025! 


More information

IF more than eight teams register to participate in the Playwright’s Playground Short Play Festival, we will have a blind draw of eight teams one week prior to the festival. 

More questions? Contact 

I love the energy of creating something original in a finite amount of time! You have to learn to trust your gut, your ensemble, and your creative instincts.  The bonus are the friends you make along the way! I can’t wait for our next short play festival! Let’s go! 

Dr. Gretchen Teague

Thank you

Special thank you to our partner Springfield Little Theatre Education Department for allowing us space to create and perform! 

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