DOTS Ensemble Projects

The DOTS Ensemble is a collaborative group that creates original theatre through a variety of techniques including devising and playwriting. Together we create projects that reflect who we are and what makes us human. We utilize laughter, joy, music, dance, and puppets. 

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Another LIfe Story

A moving story of life, love, grief, and gratitude told in three chapters through physical theatre, puppetry, and music. 

a DOTS Ensemble collaboration featuring Aubrey Smith, Moe Callahan, Kirstin Hildebrand, Jonah Drake, Keilei Downer, Elizabeth Jerome, and Gretchen Teague

Original workshop: March 2024

DOTS Fringe Festival: July 2024

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The Gizzard

A short play focused on family, friends, and adventure. 

Directed by Shawn Teague

Written by and featuring Kyle Aug, Nikki Boler, Hadleigh Callahan, Heather Haloupek, Natasha Lee, Elizabeth Jerome, Aubrey Smith, Charlie Teague, Gretchen Teague, and  Tabitha Varvil

Special thanks to Fra Patton, Bryant Turnage, and Meg Rice for their contribution to the process. 

Workshop: March 2024
DOTS Fringe Festival: July 2024

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