How DOTS started and where we are heading

DOTS started as a game of “what if…”

What if…I ask some people if they want to come hang out and devise theatre?

What if…people show up and we create a festival for people who want to create theatre? 

What if…we support playwrights and find outlets for them to workshop and produce work? 

And you know what happened? People showed up and wanted to create art and community. Playwrights showed up and wanted to workshop their scripts. Actors showed up and wanted to perform, but were also drawn into the work of writing and creating. Other theatre organizations showed up to walk beside us and support our goals because our goals also support their goals.

Because after all, that is what is needed to champion the voices of our community through creating original theatre. 

And now…here we are 32 days away from Springfield’s FIRST EVER Fringe Festival (as far as we can tell)! Now it is time for you to get involved as a voluteer usher, stage technician, audience member or sponsor. We need you all to make this festival happen. Because if this festival happens then DOTS can create more opportunities to express our original thinking. 

And by continuing to create opportunities to do all of these things we are making the world a better place. 

Executive Director

Dr. Gretchen teague

“We are making the world a better place.”

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